


  • ICIHE is an academic discussion event in which participants will share their research findings on better perception of Islamic Education at the conference and gain new knowledge on Islam & Hybrid Knowledge.


Conference Narative

  • With the emergence of Industry 4.0 (IR5) propelled by the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and blockchain technology; the conceptual enablers for new knowledge creation will be based on concepts such as hybridity, modularity, synthesis, synergy, appropriation, assimilation, adaptation and adoption. The challenge is how to benefit from globally available knowledge which includes practice and technology using these conceptual drivers. The construction and applications of Hybrid Knowledge is among the key success factors in Industry 4.0 era.
  • Hybridity can take place between cross-breeding art and other disciplines like science, literature, pop culture and art with technology. Dicitionary.com defines Hybridity as “the appropriation of a new style by combining elements of different genres in order to appeal to a wider audience”. Hybrid Knowledge involves not only passive appropriation but also active reformulation the existing theory, practice and technology to suit the newly adopted environment. At the micro level, Hybrid Knowledge is generated through a careful process of organizational selection, goal orientation and technological mediation of the theory, practice and technology involved. At the macro level, Hybrid Knowledge is facilitated through a deliberate process of strategic consideration, social and cultural reception and even religious motivation.
  • Looking back to the Islamic civilization, it is uncomplicated to imagine the unparalleled achievement in knowledge creation and dissemination that once Islamic civilization had contributed from the 8th to the 18th century could be attributed to the same conceptual enablers being deployed. By accommodating all the knowledge from the Greek, Byzantine, Egypt, Persian, India and China with a careful and deliberate process, the Islamic civilization has shown a practical model for Hybrid Knowledge creation to the Modern Western civilization in the 17th century.
  • The Muslim world should now re-learn what and how Hybrid Knowledge being produced by their glorious predecessors. With courage and passion, the past Islamic civilization had been able to appropriate the frontier knowledge of their time from others to build the great civilization. Only with the same and right attitude as before that today’s Muslims can revitalize their knowledge civilization again in the 21st century. It is a great honor for the University College of Yayasan Pahang to embark on the Hybrid Knowledge and Islam Initiative in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Islam and Higher Education (6th ICIHE 2021).



  • Enhancing and ensuring Islamic Higher Education with some diverse & comprehensive educational experiences.



  • To provide leading academia, researchers & research scholars with an academic forum for sharing current research and teaching on the construction & applications of Hybrid Knowledge that in line with Islamic approaches.
  • To share awareness & best practice and research to embark on the Hybrid Knowledge & Islam Initiative.


Topic Areas

  • Philosophy and Methodology of Hybrid Knowledge.
  • Islamic Values & Practices in the Hybrid Knowledge.
  • Hybrid Knowledge in Islamic-Based industries i.e Halal, Hajj, Takaful etc.
  • Hybrid Knowledge & Education for Sustainability.
  • Hybrid Knowledge & Civilization Dialogue for Peaceful Coexistence.
Organized By :
International Institute for Islamic Civilization (IIIC) & Centre for Integrated Knowledge (CIK)
In Collaboration with :